Law Enforcement Training
At Witmer Tyson Imports we have been selling and training police dogs for over forty years. During this time we have put hundreds of dogs out on the street to help protect the public. We have been providing German Shepherd Dogs for all of our patrol work and cross-training needs (occasionally, or on special request, other dog breeds have also been used). Most of the dogs are imported from Europe, some are from our own excellent breeding lines. Our four-week basic handler course is the beginning of an exciting career as a canine handler. This basic course teaches the dog and handler how to handle the street as a team. Our on-going maintenance training keeps the dog in compliance with exercises designed for more experienced handlers.
We offer two basic handler courses a year. We also offer one narcotics detection classes, one explosives detection class, one beginning tracking class, one advanced tracking class, and one canine helpers class per year. To find out more about the classes and their schedules, please check out course descriptions below.
Special Notice: Witmer-Tyson Imports is currently looking for a helper/decoy to assist in K-9 training. Monday to Wednesday evenings. Must be able to travel to locations in the surrounding Bay Area. Experience in this kind of work is a must. Prior law enforcement or military experience would be appreciated. Contact

Law Enforcement Training – Courses
Police Service Handler Course
The Handler-Dog Team Must Be a Good Match.
We work with your agency to select the best suited dog for your environment and needs. As professional police dog trainers, we are have provided dogs and performed maintenance training for over 70 police and public service departments.
We offer German Shepherd Dogs, European and domestic, selected for police service work. Dogs have hip certification, and are tested for sound nerves, working ability, and social skills.
Our four-week training program is conducted at Witmer Tyson Imports. We train at our training facility, as well as on the street.
The officer of your choice will attend our 160-hour course. This course includes obedience, protection, and all areas of searching
Upcoming Patrol Dog Classes:
- October 2 through October 27, 2023
- Please call us for more information and to register.
Upcoming Helper Day:
- October 19, 2023
- Please call us for more information and to register.
Narcotics Detection Course
Our Narcotic Detection Course is four weeks in length.
During the 160 hour class, the dog will be trained to detect Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy, and Methamphetamine. We can train the dog to respond with either aggressive or passive indications. We can cross-train your patrol dog for detection work.
The handlers will be trained in the following areas:
- Drive and motivation in the detection dog.
- Preparation and storage of training aids.
- Safe and proper use of training aids.
- Introduction of narcotics and drug odors.
- Reading and understanding the dogs reaction and indications.
- Searching with the dog.
- Search patterns
- Scent and how it travels.
- Preparing and keeping training records.
- Emergency treatment and first aid for dogs.
Our Detection course is POST approved for training points only. If you would like more information on POST, the California Peace Officer Standards & Training Commission, please check out their website
What Dog Should Be Used For This Course?
In selecting your dog for this course you have two options.
- Your may purchase a dog from Witmer Tyson Imports that has been specifically selected for its working ability.
- You may use your own dog for this course; however, we suggest that you have your dog tested for its working ability prior to starting the class.
Upcoming Narcotics Detection Classes:
- None scheduled for the remainder of 2023, next classes in 2024
- Please call us for more information and to register
Tracking Course
Upcoming Tracking Dog Class:
- None currently scheduled
- Please call us for more information
Bomb Detection Course
Upcoming Bomb Detection Class:
- None scheduled for the remainder of 2023, next classes in 2024
- Please call us for more information and to register.